Carefresh Ultra, Small Animal Bedding 50/60 Liter
Only Carefresh® is made from scratch with pillowy soft, ultra absorbent comfyfluff™ designed specifically for small pets. Provide your small pet with a soft, safe, clean, dry home derived from 100% reclaimed natural fiber. Perfect for hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets.
Small Pet Bedding: Our clean, white natural paper fiber bedding makes the softest, driest most comfortable home for small pets.
Pillowy Soft: Comfyfluff natural paper bedding made from scratch is gentle on sensitive feet with perfect texture for burrowing, tunneling, nesting, or creating a hamster hideout; ideal rat, mice or guinea pig bedding, rabbit litter or for small pets.
Exceptional Odor Control: Ideal for use as hamster bedding, guinea pig habitat lining, or bunny bedding, our pet-safe, proven odor-control formula suppresses ammonia odors for up to 10 days.
Ultra-Absorbent: 2X more absorbent than shavings, our natural paper bedding keeps small pets and their homes warm and dry with no more soggy messes to clean up.
99 percent Dust-Free: Free of harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes, our high performance bedding is virtually dust free so your pet can enjoy a cleaner, healthier home.
No Harsh Chemicals or Dyes: Provides all the features small pet lovers care about, to keep your little furball healthy and clean. It is biodegradable and compostable too, which means it is better for the planet.
For more information, watch this video.